

Lancashire County Badminton Association adopts the Badminton England Safeguarding and Protecting Young People Policy. The Association is committed to the welfare of all young people and vulnerable adults in the sport whether playing, coaching or volunteering.

Safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults is the responsibility of everyone involved in badminton in this county.

Please visit for the following:
* to download the Safeguarding and Protecting Young People in Badminton Policy Under Safeguarding/advice for adults working with young people:
* Good practice in Badminton with young people
* Codes of conduct-
Junior players
* Anti-bullying guidance
To contact Badminton England safeguarding department - Email.

If you have a concern about a young person's welfare please contact your club or League's Welfare Officer. Each affiliated junior club and senior affiliated club with juniors playing in it are required to have a Welfare Officer.

If these Welfare Officers are not available and it is urgent please contact the Lancashire County Badminton Association Welfare Officer, who is Gaye Jackson. She can be contacted at or 07789307507.

Gaye Jackson
Lancashire County Welfare Officer.