The next training sessions are taking place on:
Sundays 24th November and 15th December at Bolton Arena, Arena Approach, Horwich, Bolton, BL6 6LB.
The sessions structure is:
09.00am to 11.00am: Under-19 Squad
[1 hour singles then 1 hour doubles]
10.00am to 12.00pm: Under-17, Under-15 and Under-13 Squads
[1 hour doubles then 1 hour singles]
Age group criteria:
Under-19: born 01.01.2007 or later
Under-17: born 01.01.2009 or later
Under-15: born 01.01.2011 or later
Under-13: born 01.01.2013 or later
Cost per session is £12 per player